Calypso Orchid Complete Guide To Grow And Care

The monotype genus of the rare and exquisite calypso orchid includes only one species, Calypso bulbosa. It is uncommon for this orchid to be commercially offered as a plant or as seeds. As a result, it may be challenging for you to locate it to expand. Nevertheless, as its variations naturally grow in many regions of the world, frequently on forest floors, you might be lucky enough to observe it in the wild. Nevertheless, despite the orchid’s extensive range, many regions view its population as vulnerable.

The calypso orchid is a very small and fragile plant. It often blooms in late spring, producing a small, pinkish-purple flower, though it can also produce blooms in many hues of red, white, pink, and purple. At the base of the flower is a bigger central petal, or labellum, that resembles a spoon. This labellum is usually marked in a contrasting color, such yellow. Rarely does a plant create two blossoms at the same time as an orchid, which typically only produces one flower at a time. Planting this orchid in the fall or just after it has done flowering is ideal because of its moderate growth rate.

Calypso Orchids Plant Overview

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Common Name Calypso orchid, fairy slipper, Venus’ slipper
Botanical Name Calypso bulbosa
Family Orchidaceae
Plant Type Perennial
Mature Size 3–6 in. tall, 3 in. wide
Sun Exposure Partial, shade
Soil Type Moist, well-drained
Soil pH Acidic
Bloom Time Spring, summer
Flower Color Pink, purple, red, white
Hardiness Zones 4–8, USA
Native Area North America, Eurasia

Calypso Orchid Care

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It is exceedingly difficult to grow the calypso orchid in your yard unless you dwell in its natural habitat. Additionally, taking care of a plant in a container makes it even harder to replicate its natural habitat. Therefore, the majority of growers advise against struggling with home care and instead praising the plant in its natural habitat.

The growing media for the orchid is the main source of the problem. It grows in all the different organic debris on a forest floor, including decomposing leaves and bark, in addition to the soil. Additionally, the orchid and the fungus in that setting appear to have a symbiotic interaction that enables the orchid to get nutrition. For this reason, you should never apply a fungicide to a calypso orchid as it may destroy the orchid itself as well as the helpful fungus.

Orchids are quite easy to care for, as long as you can give them the right growing medium. If you don’t get enough rainfall, they’ll mostly need frequent watering in addition to shade from the sun and intense heat.

Light Requirements

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On the forest floor, calypso orchids naturally grow in the shaded areas beneath trees. Therefore, they ought to be shielded from the sun. Their leaves may become discolored and scorched by too much sun. They thrive in light to moderate shade.


In the natural environment of orchids, forest floors usually have a lot of loose organic materials. They therefore favor a bright, rich growing medium with a pH of the soil that is slightly acidic. The growing medium needs to drain well as well.


These plants prefer the soil to be equally moist. Water the growing medium as soon as it starts to dry out, but avoid overwatering to the point where it stays wet. Additionally, stay away from using water that has been chlorinated or has a lot of minerals in it as these things can harm or even kill delicate orchids. For optimal plant health, use rainwater collection systems or distilled water when watering.

Temperature and Environment

For calypso orchids, moderate to warm conditions are optimum. That being said, this is a tough forest plant that can withstand significant temperature variations within its growing zones. But a plant can become stressed and eventually die from continuous exposure to heat above 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Furthermore, the orchid can tolerate higher humidity levels but thrives in moderate humidity as well. Maintaining uniform soil moisture is especially important in dry conditions.


Fertilizer should not be applied to these plants since they are extremely sensitive to additional chemicals and minerals in their surroundings. The organic matter in their developing substrate should be able to provide them with the nutrients they require.

Types of Calypso Orchids

There are very few calypso orchid variants, such as:

C. bulbosa var. bulbosa: Europe and Asia, from Scandinavia and Russia to Korea and Japan, are home to this kind. Back in 1753, it was the first variety to be found.

C. bulbosa var. speciosa: This is a high-altitude cultivar found mostly in the subalpine forests of China, Japan, and inner Mongolia, at heights of up to 10,500 feet.

C. bulbosa var. americana: In North America, which includes most of Canada as well as Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and Alaska, there are two varieties. This is one of them. In wooded regions, it usually grows in clumping colonies.

C. bulbosa var. occidentalis: This is the other kind that grows in North America; it is mainly found in Alaska, British Columbia, and the West Coast. Although it can be found a little further inland, it prefers the chilly, misty coastal regions.

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I’m Lillian Morgan, an experienced blogger who shares information about growing flowers and plants. With over 7 years of experience, I have developed a deep understanding of the care and growth of many types of flowers and plants. On my blog, you will find expert tips, simple guides, and useful tips that will improve your gardening experience. Join me and discover new dimensions in caring for your plants and flowers.

Lillian Morgan

I’m Lillian Morgan, an experienced blogger who shares information about growing flowers and plants. With over 7 years of experience, I have developed a deep understanding of the care and growth of many types of flowers and plants. On my blog, you will find expert tips, simple guides, and useful tips that will improve your gardening experience. Join me and discover new dimensions in caring for your plants and flowers.

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